Un été écoresponsable : 10 gestes faciles à faire à la maison

The warmer months are an ideal time to make changes at home to do something good for the planet.
There are several things you can do to live more sustainably which won’t impact your personal comfort nor your quality of life. Being environmentally friendly can be quite straightforward!
Forget the Dryer
The dryer is one of the most energy-intensive appliances we have in our homes. So, the less you use it, the better. And you can easily live without this device during the summer by opting for the clothesline. However, this tool is not authorized in every municipality.
A possible alternative is to purchase an outdoor drying rack or umbrella that is short enough to remain below the sightline. Of course, you can also hang your clothes indoors if the resulting humidity does not bother you
Install a Rain Barrel
The wasteful consumption of freshwater, now called blue gold, is a far too common phenomenon. Instead, to irrigate your plants and flowers, and even wash your car, use the water that falls from the sky! Connecting a rainwater barrel to a roof gutter will allow you to effortlessly fill up your reservoir.
Set Up a Vegetable Garden
Growing your own veg at home is increasing popular, even in the city. A large container placed on a balcony or in a corner of the yard is perfect for cultivating tomatoes, carrots, and other summer treats.
Doing so eliminates the greenhouse gases that would have been generated by this food’s transportation to the grocery store, especially if you tend to buy vegetables imported from distant countries.
Plant Trees and Flowers
Now more than ever, pollinators like bees need us to plant flowers in our backyard. You can make an even bigger environmental contribution by planting a tree. Some tree species will remain small and compact over their lifetime and are therefore adapted to a suburban setting.
Use Solar Energy to Power Lights
There is nothing as inviting as a garden illuminated by an enchanting lighting scheme. One tip for a sustainable summer is to choose solar-powered models that recharge their batteries with the sun’s rays during the day to provide the perfect ambiance in the evening.
If your lights are electric, turn them off when you are not in your yard. You can even connect them to a smart timer that will do this for you.
Grow Plants Over the Walls
To reduce the occurrence of heat islands and keep your property cool on hot days, grown climbing plants over its outside walls, especially those that receive direct sunlight. You will notice a significant difference as the plants clamber to cover the surface through the next few summers.
Get a Solar Cover
Do you have a pool heater? Install a solar cover to prevent the water’s heat from dissipating. Additionally, connecting the filtration system to a programmable timer to have it run on a set schedule will considerably impact your energy consumption.
Clean the Air Conditioner’s Filter
This may seem like a small thing; yet clean filters will help your device cool the air more efficiently. You only need to do this once a summer. Moreover, there’s no point in repetitively turning the air conditioner off and then on at full power when you feel hot; it’s better to let it run continually, but at a temperature setting between 22 °C and 25 °C.
Switch to Electric
Are your yard-maintenance tools gas or electric powered? A rechargeable battery lawnmower, hedge clipper and weed whacker are far more environmentally friendly than gas-powered models. Plus, they are more practical and less noisy!
Leave the Windows Open at Night
Instead of running the air conditioner, take advantage of the breeze on cooler nights. Doing so has the added advantage of helping you save on your power bill.
As you can see, none of these changes are likely to negatively affect your quality of life. So implemented them without delay.